CrossFit Open Workout 18.3: Tips & Strategies

The 2018 CrossFit Open is upon us! Over the next 2 weeks, you can expect a full strategy guide for each of the workouts to help you maximize your score.

For those of you living under a fitness rock, the CrossFit Open is the annual online competition that is the first step for qualifying for the 2018 CrossFit Games.

Athletes must complete each of the 5 workouts between Thursday evening and Monday night. You can learn more about the CrossFit Open and CrossFit games here.

Here’s everything you need to know about the 18.3 CrossFit Open workout. Before you dive in, check out this 4 Tips To Dominate The CrossFit Open guide, too.

This week’s guide features 3 preparation tips and 3 strategy pieces for the most skilled workout we’ve seen so far through 3 weeks of the 2018 CrossFit Open. Good luck!

Workout- CrossFit Open 18.3

18.3 incorporates 5 different movements and has a 14-minute time cap:

CrossFit Open workout 18.3 is as follows:

2 rounds for time of:

  • 100 double-unders
  • 20 overhead squats
  • 100 double-unders
  • 12 ring muscle-ups
  • 100 double unders
  • 20 dumbbell snatches
  • 100 double-unders
  • 12 bar muscle-ups
  • Men/women perform 115lb/80lb overhead squats and use 50lb/35lb dumbbells for snatches

    Movement Standards

    Take note:
    You are permitted to snatch into the first overhead squat.

    The hip crease must go below the top of the knee at the bottom for each overhead squat.

    Touch and go is permitted on the dumbbell snatches.

    You must change hands on dumbbell snatches below your head.

    If you do not complete both rounds, your total number of repetitions at 14 minutes will be your score.


    You can find all the scaled requirements here.

    Preparing For CrossFit Open Workout 18.3

    Here are 3 things you should do to prepare for CrossFit Open workout 18.3:

    #1. What is your goal going into this workout? What are your current capabilities?

    For most of the CrossFit community, this workout will not be finished in 14 minutes or less. Therefore, you should have a realistic goal going into the workout and stick to that plan.

    There will be many people that finish with a score of 220 on this WOD- AKA, they are signed up for the RX division and couldn’t get a muscle-up after the first 2 sets of double unders and 20 overhead squats.

    Don’t let that deter you from giving this your all for 14 minutes.

    #2. Have a back-up jump rope ready to go.

    In the off chance that your jump rope breaks or you are unable to find the rhythm with your double unders, have a second rope nearby that you can pick up and switch to.

    If you can perform all the movements, the last thing you want is to waste 15% of the time cap looking for a jump rope.

    #3. If you’re discouraged, remember where you’ve come from.

    If muscle-ups aren’t in your trick bag yet, just remember how far you’ve come with other movements.

    What wins come out of this workout? Could you have done 20 overhead squats at 115lbs during last year’s CrossFit Open?

    For competitive people that like doing well at things, Open workout 18.3 is humbling. Stay positive and remember that fitness is a journey. 5 years from now, 18.3 will be a blip on your radar if you keep at it.

    5 Tips To Max Out Your CrossFit Open 18.3 and 18.3 Score

    Here are 3 tips for maxing out your score on CrossFit Open workout 18.3.

    Tip #1: Break up your double unders.

    If you’re looking at this workout thinking, “Hey, I’m great at double unders but will get stuck on muscle-ups”, then you are like 80% of the people walking into 18.3.

    If there is even a chance you could get through the first round of ring muscle-ups doing singles, don’t rush through the first 2 sets of double unders.

    Keep your shoulders as fresh as possible by breaking them up into sets of 33 or 50. Going unbroken isn’t worth tiring yourself out and missing every muscle-up attempt.

    Play for muscle-ups. Nothing else.

    If you are proficient with muscle-ups, breaking them up in sets of 50 will still help you keep your heart rate down and shoulders from getting too full of acid.

    Tip #2: Break up the overhead squats and keep your breath steady during snatches.

    Again, the best (and one of the only) strategies for this workout is to place a heavy emphasis on being fresh when you arrive at muscle-ups. Most people are going to spend half the workout staring at the rings above them.

    Don’t be a hero and do all 20 overhead squats in one go. Break them up into 2 sets of 10 or 7, 7, 6. Since you can snatch the first rep, it won’t affect your time much and you can keep your heart rate down and let your shoulders recover.

    Tip #3: Warm up your calves more than normal if you plan to repeat.

    The first two workouts of the 2018 CrossFit Open have set athletes up for an easy repeat. The 18.1 was long but not too taxing and 18.2 and 18.3 was a quick burst.

    Open workout 18.3 might be the first that people decide not to repeat. One reason is that their calves are going to be incredibly sore after they perform somewhere between 200-800 double-unders in 14 minutes.

    Foam roll, stretch out, and otherwise really take care of your calves before you start. They will be less sore and give you a chance to repeat if you choose to.

    We’ll have you covered with a strategy guide for all 5 CrossFit Open workouts. Good luck on CrossFit Open workout 18.3!